This is flower tteokbokki with 5 holes. This is a special flower tteokbokki with sauce bursting out through the holes and a chewy texture that compensates for the shortcomings of rice cakes that harden easily. This is a rice tteokbokki that lets you feel the original taste with chewy rice cakes soaked in a sweet and spicy sauce.
Cooking method
Rinse the rice cake in water and take it out.
Pour 250ml of water, add the rinsed rice cake and sauce and boil. Cook for 4 minutes, stirring to prevent sticking, then enjoy.
Rijstwafels: Rijst, zout, kookwijn, inuline, rijstzemelen, zuurteregelaar (E330). Noedels: TARWEbloem, aardappelzetmeel, zonnebloemolie, zout, SOJASAUS (water, ontvet SOJAbonen, zout, TARWE, alcohol, TARWEgluten, bakpoeder (E500), antioxidant (E392), verdikkingsmiddel (E412, E415). Saus: suiker, zwarte bonenpasta (zwarte bonen, dextrine, maïsolie), SOJAsauspoeder (SOJA, dextrine, gemodificeerd zetmeel), gedroogde uienpoeder, TARWEbloem, kleurstof (E150a), smaakversterker (E621), zout, knoflookpoeder, plantaardige oliën (palm, ui, aroma), rode paprikapoeder, aroma, voedingszuur (E331), antiklontermiddel (E551), zwarte peperpoeder, conserveermiddel (E296), gedroogde groene uien. Bevat: TARWE, GLUTEN, SOJA